First snow in NYC, one year after / 海をまたいだいくつかのこと、一年前の雪のことなど

12th November, Tuesday 2013

When I woke up and saw outside, it’s snowing! Though tiny particles, and soon ended, it was the first snow this year I see in NYC. And, I realize, winter is really coming. Since I was in Europe last two weeks and these days were so busy (but exciting!), I didn’t enjoy enough autumn mood this year. And I realize, next month I will graduate Mailman. Almost one year ago, when I also saw the first snow in NYC in 2012, it was so hard time for me. Because of tough and intensive study in the first semester, and some other private issues, I was pretty depressed in that time. I could never imagine that I’m now enjoying the winter arrival in a rather moderate mind. Last year, I was overwhelmed with lots of new medical/clinical/biological terms and statistics. Also my English was not so good. Now, I see the points where my experience in field or issues in Japan can contribute to class discussion and give another perspective than other classmates have. Also, since each of us has shared foundation of public health theory and perspective, and experienced summer practicum in various place, I really enjoy learning from my classmates. Outside campus, gradually networks of those who are interested in northern east of Japan post-disaster activities are expanding, and I’m feeling seeds of further actions are growing. …School ends in December, and my time in NYC ends in March. I know the time and my capacity is limited, but I do strongly want, to do anything I can do for my friends, and my town NYC.

At late night I visited Dambo, before coming back to home in Park Slope, in Brooklyn, and met with Jake Price. We enjoyed one glass of beer and two plates of pizza at a nice bar, and then went back to his studio, and talked about his next trip plan to Fukushima, and his documentary project. Jake cannot speak Japanese well, but every time I met with him and saw how he communicate with local persons in Fukushima and Miyagi, I’m impressed with his passion, dedication, and sincerity to local persons and community. That’s why I feel like doing anything I can do to support him. Compassion connects people across countries over the sea, certainly.



海を越えての嬉しいことと言えば。他にも色々。夏に福島いわきでお世話になったおふたりが石巻・牡鹿旅行に行くということで、張り切ってオススメスポットを伝えたり、向こうの仲間を紹介したりして、無事会えて盛り上がったみたいで、それは本当に嬉しい。他方、学部の頃からずっとずっとお世話になっている人が、今の東北の諸々で協働している人と偶然会ったみたいで、首に下げているOCICAネックレスからmutual friendだということが分かって僕の話をしたようで、その旨双方からメールをくださって、これまたとにかく嬉しい。それから英語の方にも書いたけど、Jakeとブルックリンで久しぶりに会ってビールを飲み、彼の月末の福島の浪江訪問について相談に乗った。その時僕が身につけていたIIEの会津木綿ストールと、その物語をいたく気に入ってくれたらしく、是非会津にも行ってみたいと。会津の作りてさんが、世界に発信していきたいなんて言っていたけど、それは意外と早く本当のことになりそうだよ。



ちょうど一年前、同じように初雪をニューヨークで見たとき、僕はso depressedで。今こんな状態であることを当時の僕は想像もできないだろう。留学直後はやはり非常に大変であり、また個人的なことでも辛いことがあったので、雪を見ては涙を流してオロオロ生きていた。その時のことをどう整理して位置づけるか、というのは今はあまり意味がないことのように思う。ただとにかく、当時そんな状態の僕に対しても働きかけてくれた人々、向き合い言葉を交わしてくれた人々にはただただ頭が垂れ下がるような胸がぎゅっと締まるようなとにかく色んな思ひだ。

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