Need to settle on the ground / 夜を置き去りにして空かける

October 26th, Saturday to 27th, Sunday, 2013

October is passing so fast, I cannot. believe it’s almost the end of the month… Though it is fortunate, honorable, and exiting that both my works and studies go well, and thatI have lots to do, I worry my breath, and therefore thoughts being shallower. Thus it was so good for me that one of my friend invited me to a Japanese tea ceremony. In a tatami-mat room, taking every step to be in a polite manner in that world, and having delicious tea, gave me both tension and comfortableness. Quietly listening to sound of water, and tea processing, I realized, I as a Japanese do need such a time. I love New York, but this town has a too quick tempo and rhythm, and if I won’t be careful, I easily lose a time and opportunity for meditation.

But ironically, immediately after quiet and slow time at the tea room, I rushed to the Newark International Airport to get on an airplane to London, for the purpose of my research trip on home nursing services in UK and Sweden, as my research job…! I should have done all of my preparation and midterm papers at school before the departure so I can enjoy movies, but it never happened. I brought a bunch of copies of documents necessary both for my research trip and solving midterm assignments on the plane, and needed to read. Well, anyway, I should enjoy. I’m at the same time an easy-going New Yorker not only a Japanese.


木村カエラのSwinging Londonとか頭の中で流しながら街を歩いた。





One thought on “Need to settle on the ground / 夜を置き去りにして空かける

  1. 料理や引き出物の代金を持ち出して「こんなにかかってるんだから」と .
    沼昌徳は手紙ナンパやSNSで女の心理を逆手に取ったり、ちびっとだけ社会経験が足りへん就活生から、 .

    相手は親子で精神病持ちだった。結婚数ヵ月後に知った。 .
    先生のおぞましい記憶を呼び覚ましている。 .

    プロフに「生活に支障のない障害があります」と書くも .

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